Luckily I only got hit by it once before the boss went down.Īfter that it was ANOTHER run across the falls to start working my way to the next city. The expectation was that you'd transform into a monkey during the build up to the attack and climb the walls to avoid. Just like the dungeon before him, the boss was very straight forward, just, hit the eye! There was a point in the fight where the room would fill with water. The rest of the dungeon was pretty straight forward with some light puzzle solving, and eventually I'd meet the game's first real boss. Later, to confirm the issue was indeed the latency, I would try the game in both a GBA SP and my GB Boy Colour, as well as the 3DS VC version In all cases the dance was much easier to manage, and the timings made a lot more sense. I'm sure with enough practice you could get used to the weird timing, but for me it was an exercise in frustration. Typically, Gameboy games aren't so precise that you can't adapt, but when it comes to the dancing system in Shantae that's not really the case. See, the GBA Player on the Gamecube, unlike the Super Gameboy on the SNES, does introduce a bit of lag to whatever game you're playing. It also introduced the first animal dance, allowing me to transform into a monkey. The first dungeon in the game wasn't particularly difficult or complicated, which is good. I mention that because I'm now told I have to go all the way BACK across those water falls to get to the Water Shrine! Of course when you die there, even if you were just inches from your destination, you'll have to start all over on whatever side you entered the zone from. Huge waterfalls to climb, tons of blind jumps, annoying enemies that come out of nowhere, etc. I should mention that the road before Water Town is horrible. I mean the guy had his priorities straight, sure, but. I finally made it to Water Town where I met Bolo who was. I finally made it to Water Town where I met Bolo who … More That's not to say I'm putting this one down any time soon!. Something about it just feels "off" compared to my preferred platformers. Yes, I know I said it looks spectacular, but once you get past that the actual gameplay just isn't really doing it for me. I have to say, and I know I need to give it more time, my knee jerk reactions to this game are.

In Shantae, different cities are connected via these field maps, and eventually you can warp between different cities if you collect the right items.
#Shantae gba dance sprites free
Once you've sent her packing you're free to check out different locations in town, or just leave and travel through to the next. The very beginning of the game has you rushing through a city under siege to get to Risky Boots' pirate ship. Animation is smooth and fluid and everything just looks and sounds amazing. The game looks phenomenal for a GBC game and the music is excellent. Shantae easily lives up to all the hype surrounding its presentation. I have both the 3DS Virtual Console version to support the devs as well as a GBC reproduction of the game for the sake of playing it on native hardware, and my daughter plays the repro all the time, and frankly it makes me a little jealous. The game looks like a blast, and I'm really excited to play it. I didn't learn about the Shantae games until they started gaining popularity on the 3DS with Risky's Revenge.